Military School Myths

Military school myths are common. This article will help dispel some of the common military school myths. Keep reading for details on military school curriculum, military academies, military school lockdown policies, and the reality of military school.

Some of the best schools available are military schools. They provide a structured atmosphere, and require excellence from their students. However, in many cases they are tainted by military school myths surrounding them. The sources of these military school myths often come from two main sources:

  1. Military style boot camps, which are designed with behavior modification in mind. These are short-term programs, however, styled after boot camp and usually without an academic component.
  2. Hollywood movies, which portray military schools as grim places of learning, mainly meant for delinquents, and focused on breaking spirits while restricting opportunities for social interaction.

These military school myths are, well, myths. Before you decide that military school is not for your child, learn a little more about the reality of military school - that it is a challenging academic environment with diverse opportunities for your teen.

Four military school myths busted

It is a good idea to get the facts, and learn both sides of the story before making a decision. For the most part, there are four main military school myths. Here are the facts that debunk the biggest myths surrounding military school.

Military School Myth #1. Military school is designed for troubled teens

In the movies, we always hear the threat of military school for juvenile delinquents. However, the truth is that military schools do not usually accept teens that have major behavioral problems. In fact, military school is designed for teenagers who want to excel in school. Programs are designed to provide structure while challenging teens to do well. While teens with mild problems can benefit from the discipline and structure at military school, for the most part, military schools only accept good, dedicated students.

Military School Myth #2. Military school is dominated by a military curriculum

It is true that many military schools offer physical training programs, such as drilling, based on military tradition. And there are some classes that students can take on tactics and military history. However, these classes are usually not required, and a full complement of other classes are offered. Challenging courses in technology, science, humanities, arts and other subjects are usually offered. Military schools also often place heavy emphasis on developing leadership skills. A range of extracurricular activities is also provided, including clubs, music, performance and sports. Students can take electives and other classes that are offered in public schools, but usually with a more challenging twist.

Military School Myth #3. Military school restricts students with a “lockdown” policy

In the movies, military schools are shown as structures resembling prisons, and students appear to be in “lockdown”, with little to no contact with the outside world. In some cases, military school myths insist that students can’t even contact family and friends. The reality is that military school offers a number of social opportunities. Dances with other schools are often held, and students are encouraged to attend church services and community functions, as well as communicate with people they know. While they may have access to the Internet restricted to certain times of the day, and cell phone use during class hours may be disallowed, most students can speak with family and friends in the evenings.

Military School Myth #4. Your teen will automatically get into the military, or a military academy, after attending military high school

This is probably the only positive military school myth. Many parents and teens with goals to get into a military academy think that they can get in if military high school is part of their educational process. Others think that it is possible to get into the military with a higher rank if they are students at a military high school. While many recruiters are happy to hear that students have attended military school, it doesn’t actually guarantee anything.

The reality is that military academies of higher learning have standards that apply to everyone. If a student from a public high school has better grades, he or she will be accepted over a military high school graduate. No matter where you go to school, you will be subject to rigorous entrance qualifications before you can attend a military academy. Joining the military and bypassing a four-year higher education is a similar situation. You will have to pass the requirements anyone else does in order to be accepted into military service. If you want to go directly into officer training, your best bet is to get a four year degree.

The reality of military high school

In truth, attending a military boarding school is a privilege. No matter the military school myths, military school is a place where students are expected to behave well, challenge themselves and excel. Military schools offer a wide range of academic and social opportunities, and can be just the place for a high-achieving teenager bored with public school.

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